Hive Inspection, April 20, 2010

The scouts performed the first hive inspection following installation of the packages 4 days ago.  James and Jack were the scouts in charge and they did all the heavy lifting.   James’ sister Sarah and his mom Joyce joined in as well.   Both queens have been released from the queen cages.   The bees are drawing out comb and storing fresh honey.  We saw the queen in the South hive but did not look for eggs.   We saw eggs in the North hive, indicating the existence of a viable queen, but we did not look for the queen.  We removed the queen cages, added more frames, rearranged the frames, and closed up the hives.  The bees will probably not fly much over the next few days as the weather is predicted to turn cold and wet on Wednesday.

2 Responses to “Hive Inspection, April 20, 2010”

  1. melissa marie Says:

    Awesome! I am keeping my first hive this season, and am also starting to blog about it. Best of luck to the scouts!


  2. bees202 Says:

    Dear Melissa,
    Thanks for looking at the St. Ambrose Boy Scout troop 202 beekeeping blog. I am working to teach the scouts skills that they can use throughout their lives. The hives are doing well. Big things are happening in beekeeping in Salt Lake City and the scouts are participating in all sorts of community activities. I hope that you continue to follow the blog.

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